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Pro-Bono Consultant
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Pro-Bono Consultants
Become a probono consultant

Are you an expert in one of the following areas?

·         Venture Capital

·        Financing and credits

·         Tax accounting

·         Financial planning

·         Cooperate Law

·         Industry expert in one of the following industries: renewable energies, life science technologies, SW and internet.

Become a VentureBull Pro-Bono Consultant and experience the excitement of being a part of VentureBull’s development!

What will be your involvement? The VentureBull executive team will contact you to ask you for advice on specific questions involving your area of expertise.

Send us a note and we will contact you with further information.


Basic Information Of The Applicant
Fields marked with * are required.
First Name *
Last Name *
Zip Code
Birth Date
Phone Number
Email *
Area of Expertise *
Probono Consultants