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Code of Conduct
VentureBull supports private equity development, advancements of technology and productivity, and the creation of entrepreneurial opportunities as a means of financing innovation and small and medium sized enterprises which have significant growth potential in terms of products, technology, business concepts and services.
VentureBull will assure a high standard of its investment portfolio and will avoid financing enterprises or participating in activities which are contrary to VentureBull guidelines. VentureBull will take a long term view of the economy and private equity industry, rather than engage in short-term speculation.
VentureBull will not disclose to third parties any confidential, financial or technical information acquired in the course of negotiations with potential investees, or in the course of business with investees, unless VentureBull has received explicit permission for such disclosure.
No VentureBull partner, manager or employee may benefit from the operation of VentureBull outside of the established compensation and profit sharing contracts.
VentureBull is accountable to VentureBull investors by fully disclosed operating and financial reports.
VentureBull and VentureBull investors will act with integrity towards the portfolio company and its stakeholders and will seek to ensure that the portfolio company conducts its business with integrity.
Investors will be conducting their business in a responsible way and will not engage in practices which would be damaging to the image and interests of VentureBull.
Investors will not use unspecified and illegal capital for investments in VentureBull portfolio companies.
Portfolio companies will be conducting their business in a responsible way and will not engage in practices which would be damaging the to the image and interests of VentureBull.
Portfolio companies are accountable to their investors by fully disclosed operating and financial reports in accordance with the VentureBull reporting guidelines.
VentureBull requires its partners, directors, managers, employees, pro-bono consultants, investors and portfolio companies to abide by the rules of conduct described herein.
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